Navarro EA*, Segura J, Portolés M, Gómez-Perretta de Mateo, C

* Departamento de Fisica Aplicada, Universitat de València, C/ Dr. Moliner, 50, 46100, Burjassot, València, Spain.
Veröffentlicht in:
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Volume 22, Issue 2, (2003)
Veröffentlicht: Januar 2003
auf EMF:data seit 26.05.2017
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Schlagwörter zu dieser Studie:
Epidemiologische Studien
zur EMF:data Auswertung

Das Mikrowellen-Syndrom: eine Vorstudie in Spanien.

The Microwave Syndrome: A preliminary Study in Spain.

Original Abstract


1800 MHz
1.100 µW/m² < 150 m distance; 100 µW/m² > 250 m distance

EMF:data Auswertung


Auszug aus Original-Abstract: [...] We find that discomfort (0.544), irritability (0.515), and appetite loss (0.485) are the most relevant symptoms correlated with exposure intensity. Others symptoms: fatigue (0.438), headache (0.413), difficulty in concentrating (0.469) and sleep disturbances (0.413) also show a significant correlation with exposure intensity. [...] four of the high correlated symptoms (Table 2) such as headache, sleep disturbances, concentration difficulty and irritability also show the most relevant differences between both groups and the highest values in the clinical scale, 2.17, 1.94, 1.56 and 1.56 respectively[...]

Quelle: siehe Link 'Studienliste von diagnose:funk'