Jorge-Mora T*, Alvarez-Folgueiras M, Leiro J, Jorge-Barreiro FJ, Ares-Pena FJ, Lopez-Martin E.
* Morphological Sciences Department, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela.
Veröffentlicht in:
Prog Electromagn Res 2010; 100 : 351 – 379
Veröffentlicht: Januar 2010
auf EMF:data seit 04.06.2017
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Schlagwörter zu dieser Studie:
Hitzeschockproteine/HSP  |  Sonstige Wirkungen auf das Gehirn
Medizinische/biologische Studien
zur EMF:data Auswertung

Die Exposition bei 2,45 GHz Mikrowellen-Befeldung provoziert zerebrale Veränderungen bei der Induktion von HSP-90 a/ß-Hitzeschock-Proteinen bei Ratten.

Exposure to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation provokes cerebral changes in induction of HSP-90 a/ß.heat shock protein in rat.

Original Abstract


2450 MHz
SAR = 0,034±3.10(-3),0,069±5.10(-3), 0,27±21.10(-3) W/kg

EMF:data Auswertung


Auszug aus dem Original-Abstract: [...] The cellular distribution of protein HSP-90 in the brain increased with each corresponding SAR (0.034 ± 3.10(-3), 0.069 ± 5.10(-3), 0.27 ± 21.10(-3) W/kg), in hypothalamic nuclei, limbic cortex and somatosensorial cortex after exposure to the radiation. At twenty-four hours post-irradiation, levels of HSP-90 protein remained high in all hypothalamic nuclei for all SARs, and in the parietal cortex, except the limbic system, HSP-90 levels were lower than in non-irradiated rats, almost half the levels in rats exposed to the highest power radiation. Non-apoptotic cellular nuclei and some dark neurons were found ninety minutes and twenty-four hours after maximal SAR exposure. The results suggest that acute exposure to electromagnetic fields triggered an imbalance in anatomical HSP- 90 levels but the anti-apoptotic mechanism is probably sufficient to compensate the non-ionizing stimulus.

Quelle: siehe Link 'Studienliste von diagnose:funk'