Xenos TD*, Magras IN.
* Laboratory of Anatomy, Histology, Embryology (Unit of Experimental Embryology), School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Veröffentlicht in:
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation. Stavroulakis P (Hrsg.): Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003: 579-602, ISBN 978-3-540-42989-0
Veröffentlicht: 01.01.2003
auf EMF:data seit 21.05.2017
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Schlagwörter zu dieser Studie:
Teratogenität, Embryogenese  |  Wirkung auf den Embryo/Fötus
Medizinische/biologische Studien
zur EMF:data Auswertung

Wirkungen von hochfrequenter Befeldung geringer Leistungsdichte auf Versuchstier-Embryonen und Föten [Kapitel 5.6]

Low power density RF-radiation effects on experimental animal embryos and foetuses [Chapter 5.6].

HF/Mikrowellen (1 - 300 GHz)
9350 MHz
50.000 μW/m2; 88.000 μW/m2

EMF:data Auswertung


Auszug aus Original-Abstract: [...]

(a) Two groups of 12 pregnant rats were continuously irradiated to non thermal pulsed microwaves, to a power density of 5.0 μW/cm², at 9.35 GHz. The first group was irradiated during 1st-3rd day after fertilization and the second during 4th-9th day of the gestation. The 58 % of the dams of the first group and 50 % of the second did not give birth. The uteri of these dams presented traces of embryonic absorption. These results support the aspect that very low power density microwaves, applied in pregnant rats, during embryogenesis and organogenesis, may cause adverse effects on their embryos.


(e) 380 chicken embryos, in ovo, were exposed to non-thermal very low power density radiation of 8.8 μW/cm² at 9.152 GHz (172 embryos in pulse modulated and 208 in non-modulated microwaves), during 3rd-10th incubation day. Developmental retardation, grave malformations, stillborns, embryonic deaths and fetal deaths were found in 62.78 % of the first group, 47.12 % of the second and only 3.44 % of the controls. 


The high sensitivity of the mouse, rat, chicken and quail embryos to the low power density microwaves is a strong indication of corresponding high sensitivity of higher mammalian or human embryos, because of their similarities on the initial stages of their prenatal development.

Quelle: siehe Link 'Studienliste von diagnose:funk'