Santini R*, Santini P, Le Ruz P, Danze JM, Seigne M.
* Institute National des Sciences Appliquées, Laboratoire de Biochimie-Pharmacologie, Bâtiment Louis Pasteur, 20, Avenue Albert Einstein, 69621, Villeurbanne.
Veröffentlicht in:
Electromagn Biol Med 2003; 22 (1): 41 - 49
Veröffentlicht: 01.01.2003
auf EMF:data seit 22.05.2017
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Epidemiologische Studien
zur EMF:data Auswertung

Eine Studie über Personen, die in der Nachbarschaft von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen leben.

Survey study of people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base stations.

Original Abstract



EMF:data Auswertung


Auszug aus Original-Abstract: [...] The results that were obtained underline that certain complaints are experienced only in the immediate vicinity of base stations (up to 10 m for nausea, loss of appetite, visual disturbances), and others at greater distances from base stations (up to 100 m for irritability, depressive tendencies, lowering of libido, and up to 200 m for headaches, sleep disturbances, feeling of discomfort). In the 200 m to 300 m zone, only the complaint of fatigue is experienced significantly more often when compared with subjects residing at more than 300 m or not exposed (reference group). For seven of the studied symptoms and for the distance up to 300 m, the frequency of reported complaints is significantly higher (P < 0.05) for women in comparison with men. Significant differences are also observed in relation to the ages of subjects, and for the location of subjects in relation to the antennas and other electromagnetic factors.

Quelle: siehe Link 'Studienliste von diagnose:funk'