Bortkiewicz A*, Zmyślony M, Szyjkowska A, Gadzicka E.
* Zakładu Fizjologii Pracy i Ergonomii, Instytutu Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera w Lodzi.
Veröffentlicht in:
Med Pr. 2004; 55(4):345-51.
Veröffentlicht: Januar 2004
auf EMF:data seit 22.05.2017
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
Epidemiologische Studien
zur EMF:data Auswertung

Subjective symptoms reported by people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base stations [Original article in polish]

Original Abstract

Quelle: PubMed


EMF:data Auswertung


Auszug aus Original-Abstract: [...] The results of the questionnaire survey reveal that people living in the vicinity of base stations report various complaints mostly of the circulatory system, but also of sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, blurred vision, concentration difficulties, nausea, lack of appetite, headache and vertigo.

[...] This association was observed in both groups of persons, those who linked their complaints with the presence of the base station and those who did not notice such a relation.

Quelle: siehe Link 'Studienliste von diagnose:funk'