Scientific advisory board
In cooperation with scientists and experts, the nonprofit organization diagnose:funk assesses the state of research on an ongoing basis. The members of the scientific advisory board share their expertise and guide the review and assessment work that analyzes scientific study findings to reflect the latest state of research on nonionizing radiation. Thus the scientific advisory board assures the quality of EMF:data.

Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, Austria
Gerd Oberfeld has been with the Environmental Medicine Division of the Salzburg State Department of Public Health since 1992. For 20 years, he has been the instructor and director of the Environmental Medicine Diplom Course of the Austrian Medical Association. He was an expert of the WHO Charter Transport, Environment and Health and the WHO Project Road Traffic-Related Air Pollution. He was the organizer of the International Conference for Cell Tower Siting – Linking Science & Public Health, Salzburg. He was a scientific advisor to the State Government of South Tyrol for the implementation of the Environmental Medicine Course. He was a member of the EMF Stakeholders Dialogue Group of the European Commission, Directorate General of Health and Consumer Protection. He is the head of the EMF Working Group of the European Academy for Environmental Medicine with the publication of the EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016.

Prof. Lennart Hardell MD, Ph.D., Sweden
Lennart Hardell is a specialist oncologist and a cancer epidemiologist at Örebro University. Prof. Hardell has a long career as a clinical and medical research doctor. He has a focused interest in environmental risk factors for cancer that he has studied in epidemiological investigations. He was a research fellow at the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA, in 1985. Over the years Prof. Hardell has been awarded several scientific prizes for his research. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he was the first to show an increased risk for cancer in persons exposed to phenoxy herbicides and contaminating dioxins. His research group has also conducted studies on the relationship between persistent organic pollutants and cancer risks, such as PCB and the risk for malignant lymphoma. In recent years, much of Prof. Hardell’s research has focused on the use of mobile phones and cordless phones and the risk of brain tumors. His research has contributed to the cancer classification of different agents such as TCDD, PCB, the herbicide glyphosate, and radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Dr. Igor Belyaev, Slovak Republic
Igor Belyaev received a diploma in physical engineering (Master of Science Degree) in Radiation Physics and Dosimetry from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Moscow Technical University) in 1981; a Ph.D. in radiobiology from the Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Science, Pushchino, USSR, in 1986; a Doctor of Science degree (a post Ph.D. degree, the highest post-graduate academic degree in the Soviet Union, Russia) in genetics from St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1994; was named an Associate Professor of Toxicological Genetics by the Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2004. From 1981 to 1994, he held the positions of Research Scientist, Head of the Laboratory, and Head Research Scientist at the Department of Biophysics, Radiation Physics and Ecology at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. From 1994 to 2006, he served as a visiting scientist, senior research scientist and group leader at Stockholm University in the Departments of Radiobiology, Molecular Genome Research, Genetic and Cellular Toxicology, Genetics, Toxicology and Microbiology. He is presently the Head Research Scientist and the Head of Department of Radiobiology at the Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Science. On-leave, 1994-2004, Moscow Engineering Physics, Institute, Igor Belyaev remains Leading Research Fellow on-leave from the Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia.
Igor Belyaev is now or formerly was a member of: the Working Group of the International EMF Project of the World Health Organization, the Working Group for the evaluation of RF carcinogenicity of the International Agency on Research in Cancer (IARC); the EMF Stakeholders Dialogue Group of the European Commission, Directorate General of Health and Consumer Protection; the Memorial Fund Committee of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the Swedish National Committee for Radio Science, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the EMF Working Group of the European Academy for Environmental Medicine (EUROPAEM), the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI), and the European Association for Cancer Research. He serves as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Radiation Biology and on the Editorial Board of the Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Radiation Biology and Radioecology of the Russian Academy of Science. In 2011, he was awarded by the Bioelectromagnetics Society for the most influential paper in Bioelectromagnetics 2006-2010.
Igor Belyaev is now or formerly was a member of: the Working Group of the International EMF Project of the World Health Organization, the Working Group for the evaluation of RF carcinogenicity of the International Agency on Research in Cancer (IARC); the EMF Stakeholders Dialogue Group of the European Commission, Directorate General of Health and Consumer Protection; the Memorial Fund Committee of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the Swedish National Committee for Radio Science, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the EMF Working Group of the European Academy for Environmental Medicine (EUROPAEM), the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI), and the European Association for Cancer Research. He serves as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Radiation Biology and on the Editorial Board of the Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Radiation Biology and Radioecology of the Russian Academy of Science. In 2011, he was awarded by the Bioelectromagnetics Society for the most influential paper in Bioelectromagnetics 2006-2010.

Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Karl Hecht, Germany
Physician, scientist (holistic medicine), university teacher, author, senior athlete
1950 – 1955 Medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine (Charité) at Humboldt University in Berlin
1957 Doctoral degree in medicine: Dr. med.
1970 Postdoctoral degree in medicine: Dr. med. habil.
1971 Professorship at the Department of Neurophysiology at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR
1977 Professorship and chair of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology at the Charité of Humboldt University in Berlin
Key research areas: stress, sleep, chronomedicine, environmental medicine, space medicine, blood pressure regulation, mineral metabolism, neuropsychobiology, regulatory peptides, health sciences, neurosciences, electromagnetic frequencies, and health.
Key areas in the last 15 years: minerals and health, health- and sleep-disrupting electrosmog, space medicine findings about good sleep on earth (gravity bed), low and high blood pressure, nonpharmacological therapies: how to stay healthy and young during aging, Healing Center NaturMed Davutlar (Western Turkey). More than 450 scientific publications in national and international journals and edited books as well as 59 scientific and specialist books.
Support of junior scientists: doctoral advisor to 173 successful Ph.D. students
Elected and honorary memberships (a selection):
- Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (Paris)
- Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
- Honorary member of the Cuban Physiological Society, Havana
- Honorary member of the Czech Medical Society “Purkinje”, Prague
- Honorary president of World Organization for Scientific Cooperation (WOSCO) – Science without Borders – London
1950 – 1955 Medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine (Charité) at Humboldt University in Berlin
1957 Doctoral degree in medicine: Dr. med.
1970 Postdoctoral degree in medicine: Dr. med. habil.
1971 Professorship at the Department of Neurophysiology at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR
1977 Professorship and chair of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology at the Charité of Humboldt University in Berlin
Key research areas: stress, sleep, chronomedicine, environmental medicine, space medicine, blood pressure regulation, mineral metabolism, neuropsychobiology, regulatory peptides, health sciences, neurosciences, electromagnetic frequencies, and health.
Key areas in the last 15 years: minerals and health, health- and sleep-disrupting electrosmog, space medicine findings about good sleep on earth (gravity bed), low and high blood pressure, nonpharmacological therapies: how to stay healthy and young during aging, Healing Center NaturMed Davutlar (Western Turkey). More than 450 scientific publications in national and international journals and edited books as well as 59 scientific and specialist books.
Support of junior scientists: doctoral advisor to 173 successful Ph.D. students
Elected and honorary memberships (a selection):
- Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (Paris)
- Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
- Honorary member of the Cuban Physiological Society, Havana
- Honorary member of the Czech Medical Society “Purkinje”, Prague
- Honorary president of World Organization for Scientific Cooperation (WOSCO) – Science without Borders – London